templates/default/terms.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block body %}
  4. <main class="pb-4 mhcc-wrapper light-green-bg">
  5.     <article class="mhcc-sec-page-outer ">
  6.     <!--// Main title block STARTS-->
  7.         <header class="mt-0 text-center sec-page-main-header">
  8.                 <h1 class="text-left sec-page-main-title sec-page-lead-text--light-blue sec-page-main-title--big">
  9.                     {{ "terms-conditions"|trans|raw }}
  10.                 </h1>
  11.         </header>
  12.     <!--// Main title block ENDS-->
  13.     <!--// Terms content STARTS -->
  14.         <footer class="white-bg st-border st-radius mb-4 pl-4 pr-4 pt-4 pb-4 mhcc-inner-content terms-content">
  15.             <div class="mb-4">
  16.                 <p>
  17.                     {{ "faq-sec1-a6"|trans|raw }}
  18.                 </p>
  19.                 <p>
  20.                    {{ "personal-info-privacy-act"|trans|raw }}
  21.                 </p>
  22.                 <p>
  23.                     {{ "info-secure-server"|trans|raw }}
  24.                 </p>
  25.                 <p>
  26.                     Assessment data from the Psychosocial Survey of Paramedic Organizations and Organizational Review for Paramedic
  27.                     Organizations may be provided to the research team for quality assurance purposes from time to time if you agreed for
  28.                     your data to be stored during the sign-up process. No individual users or organizations will be identified. Note that if
  29.                     you do not give your permission to use this data you will still be able to access and use the Survey and the Review, but
  30.                     your data will not be released to the researchers.
  31.                 </p>
  32.             </div>
  33.             <div class="mb-4">
  34.                 <h2 class="text-bold sec-page-lead-text sec-page-lead-text--medium">
  35.                     {{ "your-privacy-internet"|trans|raw }}
  36.                 </h2>
  37.                 <p>{{ "nature-internet-ip-address"|trans|raw }}</p>
  38.                 <p>{{ "ccohs-safeguarded"|trans|raw }}</p>
  39.                 <p>{{ "ccohs-ip-addresses"|trans|raw }}</p>
  40.             </div>    
  41.             <div>
  42.             <h2 class="text-bold sec-page-lead-text sec-page-lead-text--medium">{{ "legal-disclaimers"|trans|raw }}</h2>
  43.                 <p>{{ "effort-accuracy-currency-completeness"|trans|raw }}</p>
  44.             </div>
  45.         </footer>
  46.     <!--// Terms content ENDS -->  
  47.     </article>
  48. </main>
  49. {% endblock %}